Sunday Service Schedule
​7:30 am Holy Communion
simple, spoken, quiet service with chant
​9:00 am Holy Communion
In-person & steamed online at facebook.com/smaaabq
Choir, Nursery Care and Children's Chapel
11:15 am Holy Communion
chanted, with choir and incense
Daily Prayer Services
8:00 am Monday - Friday Morning Prayer, via livestream on Facebook
A simple, spoken prayer service to begin or refresh your morning.
Morning Prayer is said or sung every weekday and live-streamed via Facebook at 8:00 am. The service is led by a devoted group of laity and clergy, including prayers for the people of the parish in their life and work that day. The short service, drawn from The Book of Common Prayer and Enriching our Worship, includes psalms, lessons from scripture, and the offering of intercessions from the parish's prayer list. All are invited and welcome to participate.
8:00 pm Monday, Wednesday and 1st Friday of each month,
Evening Compline Prayer Groups, via Zoom
​​Zoom Meeting ID: 818 8185 7330
This is a wonderful way to participate in community through the Anglican spiritual practice of daily prayer.​ On Mondays and Wednesdays we use the Book of Common Prayer. On Fridays we do Night Prayer with music using the New Zealand Prayer Book.​​
Contemplative Prayer
Join us for contemplative prayer on Thursdays at 10:30 am in the Sanctuary. We gather with a song and psalm, offer brief intercessory prayers, do a 20-minute sit followed by a walking meditation and a second 20-minute sit. The session lasts one hour. All are welcome!
Holy Days
The people of St. Michael's love to celebrate the holy days of the Church, particularly Michaelmas, All Saints, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Christmas, Ash Wednesday and the Easter Triduum. The church is decorated with hundreds of luminarias at Christmas. During our celebration of All Saints a Día de los Muertos ofrenda, an altar commemorating the departed, adorns the front of the church.