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Values and Goals
How we discerned our values:
Through a process of one to one conversations, small meetings, and fora with the whole congregation and the vestry discerned that we share three values as a congregation.
Spiritual Grounding
and Action
These values arose from listening to one another, hearing the themes that arose when we asked ourselves the questions: "What brought you to St. Michael's?" "What keeps you at St. Michael's?" and "What do you want your neighbors to know about St. Michael's?" Again and again we heard these three values articulated: Welcome, Spiritual Grounding and Action.
We decided to name these values at the core of who we are, and to set goals for our congregation based on them.
Grow our eNoticias list by 120 names
Increase participation in children’s formation by 10 kids
Establish a plan to grow the community for and among youth and young adults.
(including a regular plan for confirmation classes)
Expand our welcome beyond our walls by initiating two regular programs off church campus.
Initiate a campus planning process, looking at ways to make our space more welcoming to people of all ages and to update facilities.
Explore ways to grow the Newcomer Ministry and class.
Spiritual Grounding
Establish a steady pattern of quarterly retreats for the parish
Grow an email list/online community particularly for Contemplatives
Explore re-planting a contemplative service on a weeknight.
Establish a regular pattern of formation programming outside of Sunday morning.
Re-establish the Formation Committee
Establish a consistent pattern of small group ministry
Establish patterns of spiritual practice within existing ministries (example: invite the choir to spiritual retreats 2x/year)
Recommit to a shared model of pastoral caregiving, including care for those close to the end of life.
Build a team of advocates who work together to discern advocacy efforts for St. Michael’s and to train and invite the congregation into advocacy
Discern a future path for immigration ministries
Discern a future path for our connections to indigenous communities
Deepen our commitment to welcome and advocate with the LGBTQ+ community.
Build a team to respond to environmental concerns and the climate crisis
Convene a process to speak with our neighbors about needs for outreach
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