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What to expect on a Sunday Morning

At St. Michael and All Angels , we root ourselves ancient liturgy and seek to translate it for today.  If you grew up in a less formal church, St. Michael's may feel pretty traditional. If you grew up in a formal church, our church may deconstruct that formality, asking you to pray using more modern words or sing in a new language.
We seek to balance tradition and culture in our worship. When we hold the tension well between the ancient and the modern, liturgy comes alive.
All Sunday services include the Scripture readings for the day, a sermon, prayers and communion – the sharing of the blessed bread and wine. We call the service “Holy Eucharist,” but other churches may refer to it as “the Service of the Table” – “Mass” – “Holy Communion” or “The Lord’s Supper.” You can find the readings for each Sunday – which we call the Sunday Lectionary, on the calendar here.
Each of our services has a distinct flavor, and everyone is always welcome!  You can expect to be greeted by a friendly usher, who will give you a bulletin and answer any questions you may have.

What about kids?

St. Michael's intentionally makes room for children. We say we like everyone to act their age. A Kids' Space with children’s books, coloring sheets and quiet toys is located on the east (entrance) side of the church. In addition, There are coloring sheets, crayons, and colored pencils available at the front entrance, and a table for coloring at the back of the church. If a child gets especially fussy, the entrance area (what we call a "Narthex" in Episcopal language) is a soundproof quiet space during the service, with windows into the sanctuary and a live audio feed, as well as rocking chairs. Nursery Care is provided during the 9:00 Service in the Day School and Children’s Chapel meets in the Children's Chapel space, just down the long hallway behind the altar, at 9:00 am. Live-streaming: St. Michael's holds the safety of our kids as our highest priority. We do not publish names of our children in social media or on our livestreams. We love to post photos of our community, with permission. Unless they are featured leaders/readers, we try not to focus on kids faces on video. By attending a service advertised as “live streamed” you consent to have your image and that of your child broadcast. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the clergy.


We try hard to be accessible. 

Accessible parking spots are available in front of the church on Sunday mornings. Restrooms nearest the church have push button access. There are ramps up to the chancel and the youth building, the only spaces on our campus with stairs. We have a T-coil loop for those with hearing aids, and additional audio enhancement equipment is available at the entrance, just ask an usher. Clergy are always willing to bring communion to those who have a harder time making their own way up to communion.


You can find larger men's and women's restrooms just past the entrance to the church, on the right hand side. These restrooms have automatic door openers. There are also wheel chair accessible, gender-inclusive single restrooms in the office area, head down the hallway behind the altar, and continue past the children's chapel and offices. You'll see the restrooms on the left.  All our restrooms have changing tables.

The 7:30am Service

This is a small, peaceful, quiet service. The only music is simple chant, which adds to the meditative mood of the service. Many of the parishioners who come to this service enjoy the smaller worshiping community and the quiet of the early morning. But this congregation is also welcoming of households with small kids, who are often up earlier than the rest of us. 

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The 9:00 Service

This is our largest service at St. Michael's. The language of the liturgy at 9:00am is often more modern than that at our other services. We use gender-inclusive texts, authorized by the Episcopal Church, whenever we can. Singing is supported by the Coro de Luz, a musical ensemble which includes instrumentalists and voices. Children are welcomed to Children's Chapel most Sundays at the beginning of the service, and rejoin their parents or caregivers at the Peace, before we all receive communion. The 9am service is almost always broadcast live on our Youtube page.

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The 11:15am Service

Our 11:15am Service includes more traditional elements from the historic church. Much of the liturgy is chanted. We use incense, and the music is supported by the chancel choir and including hymns and anthems from the great sacred music tradition of the church. If you are looking for an ancient feeling service, with progressive preaching, you might want to check out the 11:15 am service. We broadcast the 11:15am service about once a month on our Youtube page.


St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church


601 Montaño Road NW

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 

Our office is open Monday-Thursday
9am-3pm (Office closed Dec 24-Jan 1)

Food is shared on Tuesday mornings from 8am-10am
at Casa San Miguel food pantry.

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