Primary Clergy
Reach out to clergy with pastoral needs, questions about faith and discipleship, or strategic questions about our work in the world.

The Rev. Mike Angell
Pronouns he/him/él
The Rev Mike Angell engages communities in practices of prayerful shared discernment and action for justice. Before coming to St Michael’s, he served for eight years as the rector of the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion in the St Louis area. He has degrees from the Virginia Theological Seminary and the University of San Diego and was ordained at St John’s Church, Lafayette Square in Washington, DC in 2011. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in ministry in Christian Spirituality through Virginia Seminary. Mike is an award-winning preacher, writer, and community organizer. He is passionate about connecting across human boundaries to pursue Jesus’ vision of the Beloved Community. Beyond St Michael’s he lives into this work through his service with Cristosal, a leading human rights organization in Central America. (Mike wrapped up a term on the board in 2025). Mike grew up skiing and hiking in Colorado. For him, there is a deep connection between spirituality and time in creation. He is also a swimmer and practices yoga at a local studio. Mike enjoys reading the theology of Jon Sobrino and Kelly Brown Douglas, the fiction of Madeleine L’Engle, and the poetry of Mary Oliver. Mike’s family are now at least the fourth and fifth generation to call New Mexico home. Mike and his husband Ellis Anderson, a Librarian at a local Middle School, are the proud parents of a six year old. Their family is rounded out by two sweet Labradoodles named Oscar and Gus. (And yes, the rector of St Michael and All Angels is named “Michael Angell.” Isn’t life funny?)
Mike by email here
505.345.8147 ext. 303
505.226-1480 (direct/text)

The Rev. Simone Drinkwater
Pronouns she/her/ella
The Simone Drinkwater began her tenure in February of 2025. She most recently served at St. John’s in Alamogordo. She is also the Indigenous Missioner for the Diocese of the Rio Grande, and is working with Episcopalians in Navajoland on a translation of the Book of Common Prayer.
Simone by email here
505.345.8147 ext. 302
505.226-7595 (direct/text)

Interim Priest for Pastoral Care
The Rev. Lee Lowery
Pronouns he/him/él
Our rector has asked the Rev. Lee Lowery to come on staff part time (10 hours a week) as "Interim Priest for Pastoral Care." Lee served as the Interim rector of St. Michael's from August of 2022 until July of 2023. Ordained as an Episcopal priest in 1991, Father Lee brings three decades of wide-ranging experience to St. Michael’s. Father Lee and his wife, Linda, have moved to Albuquerque from Alabama, where he grew up and spent most of his career. They have two daughters. In addition to pastoral care, Lee will participate in some liturgical leadership and the Classics Ministry.
Lee by email here
505.345.8147 ext. 121
(505) 750-9068 (direct/text)
Associate Clergy
Our parish is fortunate to be assisted by a number of resident retired clergy who teach,
preach, celebrate, offer pastoral care, and otherwise help out on occasion

Priest Affiliate
The Rev. Susan Allison-Hatch
Pronouns she/hers/ella
Contact Susan by email here
Sent to seminary from St. Michael’s in 2000, Susan served parishes in the San Francisco Bay Area and also volunteered as a chaplain in the ER of Highland Hospital in Oakland before returning to New Mexico in 2010. Upon her return, she served as chaplain at St. Martin’s Hospitality Center (now known as HopeWorks) and Missioner to the Unhoused for the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Before attending seminary, Susan was a teacher and school administrator and now dabbles in fiber art. Now mostly retired, Susan enjoys swimming, reading history, theology, poetry and mysteries, and early morning walks with her dog Faith. She also loves to travel with husband Tim to whom she has been married for over forty years.

Preacher in Residence
The Rev. Dr. Paul Hanneman
Pronouns he/his
Rev. Dr. Paul Hanneman, an American Baptist pastor, retired to Albuquerque, NM, after serving four congregations over 25 years, then for 17 years serving as Program Director for the Urban Ministry Center in Charlotte, NC. A certified Enneagram trainer, he has studied extensively with Don Riso, Russ Hudson, Tom Condon, Richard Rohr, Helen Palmer, and David Daniels. He has studied and taught the Enneagram for over 30 years. He is also certified in the MBTI, neuro-linguistic programming, and poverty paradigm education. He was in the second cohort of the Living School, a two-year intensive program of Richard Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation, and has offered spiritual direction and spiritual formation courses since the 1980s. In December of 2024, Paul was named "Preacher in Residence" by the rector and vestry.

Priest Affiliate
The Rev. Carolyn Metzler
Pronouns she/hers/ella
Carolyn has worked as a parish priest and spiritual director, and currently is associated in Albuquerque with the Living School of the Center for Action and Contemplation. She has led numerous retreats, including for St. Michael's, and is enthusiastic about cultivating and living the spiritual life.
Reach out to our staff with questions about church operations and programs.
All staff can be reached by calling the church office at 505-344-5888 and entering their extension. Please note, the church office is open Monday - Thursday from 9am - 3pm.

Interim Director of Music
Stephen Barton
Steve by email, here
505.345.8147 Ext. 110
Direct/Text: (505) 445-2134

Business Administrator
Cheri Bertram
Cheri by email, here
505.345.8147 Ext. 120
Direct/Text: (505) 738-5531

Office Administrator
Codey Morales
Codey by email, here
505.345.8147 Ext. 339
Direct/Text: 505-600-1885

Communications Director
Caryl Trotter
Caryl by email, here
505.345.8147 Ext. 111
Direct/Text: (505) 355-0908