The "Classics" Senior Ministry
​A good proportion of the people who worship at St Michael’s are seniors. Many are already actively involved in much of what goes on. There is hardly a ministry or an activity in which seniors are not participants, even leaders. Yet it is also important that the unique strengths of seniors be recognized, and their specific needs acknowledged. Created in 2022, the goal of the Senior Ministry is to create the opportunity to meet each month to discuss topics of mutual interest and concern. We meet on the second Thursday of each month from 2:00 to 3:30pm in the Pavillion.
Programs for Seniors
Second Thursday of the month
2:00-3:30pm in the Pavillion
This ministry invites guest speakers to discuss topics such as senior scams and fraud, crisis management, preparation for end-of-life, wills, trusts and financial matters, the senior programs offered by the City of Albuquerque as well as presentations from the Vestry and other Ministries.
There are also fun segments such as “Trivial Pursuit” as well as break-out sessions to discuss topics of mutual interest to seniors. We typically have between 15-25 attendees at these meetings while the senior scam and fraud presentation by the FBI had over 60 attendees.
Bible Study
In 2024 we introduced a Bible Study segment which was very well received and our attendees suggested that we have one each quarter. The Rev. Dr. Paul Hanneman is the moderator of these classes. Check the website or subscribe to eNoticias to learn when these classes will be available.