Welcome, Action, Spiritual Grounding
​Annual Campaign for 2025
If you find yourself at home here at St Michael's we humbly and gratefully ask you to consider supporting the mission and ministries of this community through our annual giving campaign.
Financial transparency is important in the life of our parish. On Sunday September 22nd at 10:15am, we held a special forum on the financial life of the parish. You can also see graphs showing our pledging, budget, and actual expenses so far for 2024 in the rector and stewardship chair's letter.
​You may complete an online pledge of your financial support by clicking here.
Voices from St. Michaels:
2025 campaign video series
Stewardship 2025: Welcome, Action, Spiritual Grounding
Stewardship 2025: Welcome, Action, Spiritual Grounding

Money Stories - The Rev. Mike Angell

God's Mission and our Generosity

Riley talks about Action and Generosity
What should I pledge?
Pledging is a decision to commit to a goal of giving a portion of our resources. A pledge is disciplined giving, a commitment with a purpose. It can be made by letter or email at any time, and of course through the annual pledge card mailed out in the fall. Those who pledge may receive offering envelopes by which they can give their donation spaced out over the year. They can also set up regular giving by ACH by contacting our office, or use Paypal to set up a regular credit card payment. Many people choose to pledge a percentage of their income, 10% (or the tithe) is a traditional guideline, but it is not mandatory.
Every pledge counts. We would like to see every member make a pledge. St. Michael’s is an economically diverse parish, and we are grateful for generosity at all levels. Almost ten percent of our members pledge between $1 and $999. We also know that for some of our members, increasing their annual gift would not create a financial hardship