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Stewardship: Annual Campaign for 2025

 So far, 185 households have shared their pledges for $618,596. (Last year we totaled 221 pledges for $706,826, so we have some catchup to do). Of those household who have made a pledge, the average increase has been around 18%. If you have not yet made your pledge, drop your pledge card in the offering plate, bring it by the parish office, or mail it to the church. You can also pledge online by clicking the button below. 

Annual Meeting 
January 26 @ 11:15

That Sunday we will hold just two services at 7:30am and 10:00am. The annual meeting (with potluck brunch) will follow the 10:00am service.

Call for Annual Meeting Reports

 If you lead a ministry at St Michael’s, we ask that you submit your report by January 21 for our annual meeting on the 26th. Reports may be in written or video format. Email them to Caryl, our Communications Director at​

Contemplative Prayer

Contemplative prayer continues to meet on Thursdays at 10:30am. Our time together begins with an opportunity to quietly engage scripture followed by a 20-minute sit and walking meditation. Participants then have an option to move to the library for conversation exploring contemplative principles from the desert mystics (no preparation required) or to remain in the sanctuary for a second 20-minute sit. All are welcome!

Casa San  Miguel Food Pantry

Canned veggies, like corn, peas or green beans have been difficult to get through Roadrunner Food Bank recently. Please consider bringing a few cans or maybe case lots that are available at Costco or case lot sales at other grocery stores. Brown paper grocery bags or empty egg cartons are always needed and so appreciated. 

Los Familias Solidarity

Thank you for keeping the young asylum seeking families at Annunciation House shelters warm, healthy and assured that many people still welcome them. With your help, we were able to supply for both adults and children 272 jackets, 230 sets of hats and gloves, 100 hairbrushes, 220 Christmas gifts, 60 new pair of shoes, 100 warm clothing, and 58 bottles of OTC meds. We wish that you could see all the smiles and relief your generosity brings!

 ABQ FaithWorks 

Advocacy or Lobbying? Save the morning of January 13, 2025 at Central United Methodist for a seminar on "Advocacy with Our Community".  All are invited to attend.

Set your own hours to do good work! Match your interests and availability to the volunteer needs at ABQ FaithWorks. Check out the opportunities and join our teams making a difference! 

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