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3/8 Lenten Retreat
9 am - 12 pm
St. Michael’s Contemplatives invite you to a half-day advent retreat “Howard Thurman, grounding with a mystic of the Civil Rights Movement” with the Rev. Mike Angell. Lunch will follow the program.
Registration closed.
3/9 Game Night
5 pm
Game night with the Diocesan LGBTQ+ ministry Sunday, March 9 at 5pm at Slice and Dice, 2225 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque NM, 87112. What could be more fun than pizza, sandwiches, and games? They have tons of games to choose from there or you can bring your own to share. This is a family event. All ages are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there.
3/12 - 4/9
Sacred Ground
5:30 pm - 7 pm
Wednesday evenings in Lent for Sacred Ground. The curriculum is built around powerful films and readings designed to facilitate dialogue on race, ethnicity and history. The Lenten series from the Episcopal Church helps us to stand for a community where all people are honored, protected, and nurtured as beloved children of God. More info to come!
3/13 The "Classics" March Meeting
2 pm
THE “CLASSICS” Senior Ministry will meet on Thursday, March 13 at 2:00 pm in the Pavilion. We will have a presentation from Bruce Roach from the Navajoland Ministry. This will definitely be an interesting and informative presentation. You are always encouraged to bring someone with you to this monthly senior “get-together”.
4/27 Prize Drawing!
Enter Your Info in Realm
On April 27th, the Second Sunday of Easter, we will have a drawing for some fabulous prizes. To enter all you have to do is sign into Realm and update your and your household's information, including adding a photo and selecting your skills and interests. If you need help accessing Realm please contact our office administrator Codey Morales codeym@stmichaelsabq.org or by calling the main church number 505-345-8147 during office hours (Monday through Thursday 9am-3pm.) Codey isn't available on Tuesday mornings 10am-11:30am due to our regular staff meeting.
Thursdays 10:30 -11:30am
Contemplative Prayer
Contemplative prayer continues to meet on Thursdays at 10:30am. Our time together begins with an opportunity to quietly engage scripture followed by a 20-minute sit and walking meditation. Participants then have an option to move to the library for conversation exploring contemplative principles from the desert mystics (no preparation required) or to remain in the sanctuary for a second 20-minute sit. All are welcome!

Casa San Miguel Food Pantry
​Canned veggies and peanut butter have been difficult to get through Roadrunner Food Bank recently. Please bring a few cans/jars or maybe case lots from Costco or sales at other grocery stores. Brown paper and plastic grocery bags or empty egg cartons are always needed and so appreciated. We use the plastic ones to redistribute large deliveries such as fruits and vegetables.
Clothing Drive
The Albuquerque Gateway Center, a joint project of ABQ FaithWorks and Indivisible Albuquerque, provides many services for the unhoused, including migrants, and related supporting community service providers. Warm clothing for men is still needed. Please bring items to the church office anytime this month. For more info contact Jane McGuire or Bruce Roach.
Los Familias Solidarity Thanks You!
Thank you for your donations (including money) that we stuffed into three SUV’s for three asylum seekers shelters in El Paso. With your help we delivered for adults and children 205 winter jackets, 336 warm hats and gloves, 550 briefs, 220 backpacks, 63 pairs of new shoes for children and toddlers, 250 pounds of rice and sugar and much more. We appreciate your compassionate care for these migrant families seeking safety and stability.
Read the latest report, including information about our "pause" for March.