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More about giving…

“Every generous act of giving and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Creator who made the heavenly lights, in whom there is no inconsistency or shifting shadow”
(James 1:17)

St. Michael's is grateful for the contributions which its parishioners and friends have made during this year and in the past.


Giving is primarily a spiritual decision, reached after careful and prayerful thought—our giving is one of the ways we practice our faith. We invest in the ministry and work we do together, to make a love-spreading difference in our world.

Ways you can donate:


In Person


By Auto-Deposit

You can give in the offering plate on Sunday, or by mailing a check to our parish office (address below). Please make out checks to "St. Michael's" and add any designation in the memo line.





You can give via credit card, and set up regular gifts using our Paypal link below.

To set up automatic account withdrawal, please submit a voided check or contact Cheri Bertram in the Business Office
505-345-8147 x120

For information on how to set-up a pledge to be paid from your IRA as a way to satisfy your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD), please contact Cheri Bertram.

St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church


601 Montaño Road NW

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87107 

Our office is open Monday-Thursday
9am-3pm (Office closed Dec 24-Jan 1)

Food is shared on Tuesday mornings from 8am-10am
at Casa San Miguel food pantry.

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